Regard sur le Japon
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[Fil permanent] Conseils pour rechercher un appartement à louer au Japon pour le long terme
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Ceinture Verte
Ceinture Verte

Inscrit le: 21 Juin 2011
Pays, Ville: Fukuoka

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Je vais effectivement prendre un appart à court terme le temps d'avoir la réponse du visa. Merci Smile
Graphiste résidant à Fukuoka :
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  Répondre en citant   27 Fév 2014 14:32
1ere Dan
1ere Dan

Inscrit le: 19 Nov 2010

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Y en a plein des entreprises et normalement ca coute 30% du loyer.
Un conseil, negocie tout tout tout pour l'appart! Les abus sont enormes dans le milieu et suffit de faire le forcing pour se voir disparaitre le reikin/shikikin ou frais de renouvellement de baille etc.
Suite a mes conseils, un pote l an dernier a vu son shikikin disparaitre et economiser 15man et ca a pris 5mn!!!
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  Répondre en citant   28 Fév 2014 02:07
2eme Dan
2eme Dan

Inscrit le: 24 Nov 2006
Pays, Ville: Akabane

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Iriakun, si tu as des conseils a donner pour faire disparaitre ces trucs la (cadeau au proprio et "autres frais annexes"), je suis preneur Smile
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  Répondre en citant   28 Fév 2014 09:49
Ceinture Blanche
Ceinture Blanche

Inscrit le: 07 Mai 2014
Pays, Ville: Japon, Tokyo

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Aujourd'hui la demande n'est pas aussi grande que ce qu'elle a pu être par le passé de ce fait il est beaucoup plus facile je dirais même très courant de négocier le reikin/shikikin.

Par contre en général là où les proprios abuse c'est sur les renouvellement de bails en général il se gêne pas pour bien augmenter le loyer.
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  Répondre en citant   08 Mai 2014 06:57
1ere Dan
1ere Dan

Inscrit le: 19 Nov 2010

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Deja faut trouver l'appart qu'on souhaite, chose pas facile pour peu qu'on fasse 1m90 Razz
Ensuite ce n'est pas parce qu'on est etranger qu'il faut tout accepter donc TOUT est negotiable! Le renouvellement de bail par exemple, la cour supreme du Japon a eu 3 cas et dans un 1 cas a estime que c'etait illegal donc la question n'est pas tranchee! J'ai imprime mon joli papier avec cela et je suis alle plaider ma cause avec en plus des arguments (economie en baisse etc..) a l'agence...resultat pas de frais de renouvellement de baille (sauf 15 000yens, l agence s'assoit pas sur sa com').
Je connais un agent immobilier tres competent et les frais d'agence sont a 50% (able fait ca aussi) Wink
Mini mini y a quedalle soit dit en passant...

La concurrence entre les agences est telle que de faire virer le reikin et un mois de shikikin n'est pas si si difficile que cela.
Quand je recherche un appart, ma technique est simple a savoir au lieu de perdre du temps a remplir un formulaire identique partout et a feuilleter des catalogues et blablablabalba tu viens ton propre document repertoriant tes coordonnees, ton boulot, ton garant (ou agence garant), ce que tu veux et ou et ensuite tu balances ca a tous les agences du coin: "vous avez ca dans votre base de donnees, ok envoyer le plan etc.. par e mail"
Ca permet au passage de tres vite cibler les agences competentes! Lorsque je disais "minimum 40 metres carres" et que je ne sais trop d'entre elles me contactaient avec des 30 metres carres, zoup degage...

Ensuite google map aide enormement genre appart en face de la caserne des pompiers, non y a pas moyen Arrow
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  Répondre en citant   08 Mai 2014 07:49
kEep OnE
1ere Dan
1ere Dan

Inscrit le: 17 Mai 2008
Pays, Ville: Tokyo, Toshima-ku

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Moi je passe par des agences alternatives qui acceptent automatiquement les étrangers, comme Tokyo Rent (je fais pas de pub, mais je suis chez eux depuis plus de 4 ans maintenant). En général tous les frais à la c*n sont à 0 même si les loyers peuvent être un poil plus cher selon les appartements (on parle à 5000 yens près). T'es juste pas obligé de sortir 350 000 yens pour emménager, mais plutôt ~200 000 en incluant le premier loyer (il faut payer l'assurance et deux trois trucs inévitables).
Bon même si mon appartement a les fameuses portes à 1m80 du sol (je fais 1m90 comme Iriakun), je m'adapte même si on peut parfois oublier (à déconseiller pour ceux qui reviennent régulièrement un peu bourrés) Laughing .
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  Répondre en citant   08 Mai 2014 11:26

Inscrit le: 20 Sep 2003
Pays, Ville: Tokyo

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Moi c'est plutôt le contraire : je fais tout comme les Japonais, parce que les quelques apparts "spécial étrangers" qu'on m'a fait visiter... ben on comprenait pourquoi les Japonais n'en voulaient pas ! Mr. Green

Je dirais même plus : quand je vois "étrangers acceptés" sur une annonce, je me méfie. Twisted Evil (exception : quartiers comme Okubo)

Cela les agences spécialisées pour étrangers se sont multipliées ces dernières années et elles font certainement du bon travail, avec les avantages des frais initiaux réduits comme le dit Keep One. Que chacun fasse ce qu'il préfère Wink

N'ayant pas de problème particulier avec la langue, je préfère pour ma part les trucs "grand public".
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  Répondre en citant   08 Mai 2014 15:48
1ere Dan
1ere Dan

Inscrit le: 19 Nov 2010

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Bien sur que les agences pour etrangers ont des avantages mais toutes celles que j'ai consulte se gavent bien en terme de loyer genre plus 20 a 30% que les prix du marche sans compter qu'on se retrouve loin de la gare Evil or Very Mad En plus c'est souvent du me souviens de la reflexion d'une agence que je ne nommerai pas "mais vous etes etranger, faut pas etre trop exigeant, soyez deja contents qu'un proprio vous accepte!" J'allais pas bouger d'un appart de 30m carres pour 32 metres carres colère

Bref, je partage le meme avis que miss Eve mais comprends l'avis de l'ami Keep One Wink
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  Répondre en citant   09 Mai 2014 01:41

Inscrit le: 20 Sep 2003
Pays, Ville: Tokyo

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Voilà. C'est comme le "reikin", quand on prend un appart' sans "reikin" (et encore plus si c'est sans reikin ni caution), il y a souvent une contrepartie : loyer plus cher, appart' vétuste, location pour durée limitée... Si on compte rester quelques années ça peut valoir le coût de payer un reikin juste une fois et d'avoir un loyer moins cher. Et on peut aussi tenter de négocier.

Puisque je parle du reikin, il faut bien se dire que ça a pour "justification" d'aider le propriétaire à rentabiliser l'argent investi dans la construction (ou rénovation). Donc il y en a surtout sur les apparts récents, surtout neufs. Pour les trucs anciens ou très anciens, souvent il n'y en a pas et/ou on peut négocier de le retirer. Si vous tenez à louer du récent soyez prêts à payer un reikin ! Exclamation

Mais encore une fois, je cherchais pas à "casser" les agences spécial étrangers ci-dessus, il faut juste se dire qu'il y a des avantages et inconvénients dans les deux ^^
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  Répondre en citant   10 Mai 2014 06:16

Inscrit le: 20 Sep 2003
Pays, Ville: Tokyo

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Note du Post : 5   Nombre d'avis : 2

De plus en plus d'agences proposent un service partiellement ou entièrement en anglais à Tokyo ! Je partage cette liste trouvée sur le gros site d'immo Suumo :


株式会社愛和ハウジングサポート(K.K. Aiwa Housing Support) TEL: 03-3485-8288

For those searching rental or purchase, we cover all 23 Tokyo wards. For those living abroad and wanting to sell their property in Japan, we can help you accomplish this while you stay in your own country( on certain terms ). For free consulation on how-to's on rentals, purchase, and selling, please contact
Primary area(s) covered
Shibuya, Minato, Chiyoda, Meguro, Setagaya, Shinjuku, Suginami, Nakano
Getting to the real estate office
(Address)Shibuya-ku Tomigaya 1-6-8 Morii Bldg. 2F Tokyo, Japan
(Access)Chiyoda line, Yoyogi Koen station 1 minute walk
Email inquiries(in English)
*Only email inquiries in English are accepted.

エスぺランザ・コーポレーション(ESPERANZA CORPORATION) TEL: 03-3543-2994

Esperanza Corporation has been introducing high quality housing service to Embassies and local affiliates of foreign and domestic firms.Through years of experience, we have learned what clients need and expect. Esperanza works hard to meet and exceed these expectations. Esperanza prides itself delivering the highest quality service and aftercare to you.
Primary area(s) covered
Central Tokyo, Minato-ku/ Shibuya-ku/ Megro-ku/ Setga-ku/ Denenchofu. International School Area.
Getting to the real estate office
(Address)Seiko Ginza Bldg 6F, 8-12-1 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0061
(Access)5 mins walk from Shinbashi Station (JR, Ginza-line), and Higashiginza Station (on Hibiya line).
Email inquiries(in English)
*Only email inquiries in English are accepted.

株式会社COLORS(COLORS Company Ltd.) TEL: 03-6206-0347

Colors Company Ltd fully supports your life in Japan.Our English representatives are considerate and will provide you with excellent services and comfortable in-shop reception.From consulting to application procedures,from rules of renting to Japanese etiquette.We are happy to answer your question in detail.You are welcome to our office is in Akihabara.
Primary area(s) covered
Within Tokyo 23 ward
Getting to the real estate office
(Address)Tokyo chiyoda ward kanda sudatyou2-19-23 The third floor in nomra 3 building
(Access)Akihabara station…shank'spony…four minutes
Email inquiries(in English)
*Only email inquiries in English are accepted.

株式会社 クラッシー・ホームズ 御茶ノ水店(CLASSY HOMES Ltd. Ochanomizu) TEL: 03-6273-7203

CLASSY HOMES Ltd. finds you the perfect rental apartment or house for your stay in Tokyo.English speaking staff is available.
Primary area(s) covered
Bunkyo-ku,Chiyoda-ku,Chuo-ku etc
Getting to the real estate office
(Address)ARAI BLDG 3F 1-8-2 Kanda-surugadai Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo101-0062 Japan
(Access)3min walk from Ochanomizu Station(JR Chuo/Sobu Line)
Email inquiries(in English)
*Only email inquiries in English are accepted.

株式会社 クラッシー・ホームズ 浜松町本店(CLASSY HOMES Ltd. Hamamatsucyo) TEL: 03-6459-0186

CLASSY HOMES Ltd. finds you the perfect rental apartment or house for your stay in Tokyo.English speaking staff is available.
Primary area(s) covered
Minato-ku,Shinagawa-ku,Ota-ku etc
Getting to the real estate office
(Address)Tokyo Line BILDG 6F 1-29-10 HamamatsucyoMinato-ku, Tokyo 105-0013 Japan
(Access)1min walk from Hamamatsucyo Station(Yamanote Line)3min walk from Daimon station(Asakusa line)
Email inquiries(in English)
*Only email inquiries in English are accepted.

(株)クローバーアソシエイツ   (Clover Associates Limited.) TEL: 03-5798-7131

We offer a variety of real estate services for foreigners and expats, specializing with the leasing of residential properties. You may search some properties through our web site: The properties on the web site are not everything we are dealing, so please advice us what you will be looking for. Feel free to contact us at any time.
Primary area(s) covered
Getting to the real estate office
(Address)Tokyo Shibuya Ward Ebisu 1-24-16 The third floor in Cartier Ebisu building
(Access)8 minutes walk from Ebisu station
Email inquiries(in English)
*Only email inquiries in English are accepted.

株式会社ゲニウスロキ(Genius Loci Inc.) TEL: 03-3457-7737

We Have A Lot Of Listings For Major Western Styled Apartments And Houses Available In Central Tokyo. Some Could Be Free Agent Fee.
Primary area(s) covered
Central Tokyo Beside Meguro/Setagaya/Ohta Ward
Getting to the real estate office
(Address)Tokyo Minato Ward Minamiazabu 1-6-3 YRE Building 2F
(Access)Azabujuban Station 3 Minutes On Foot
Email inquiries(in English)
*Only email inquiries in English are accepted.

(株)シム(SIHM INC.) TEL: 03-3470-4737

Tokyo real estate company specialized in expatriate housing in Tokyo. Established in 1974 SIHM is a licensed Tokyo realtor providing luxury housing for both Japanese and expatriate professionals in central Tokyo.
Primary area(s) covered
Roppongi, Aoyama, Akasaka,Shinagawa and Shinjuku
Getting to the real estate office
(Access)3 min Walk from Aoyama 1-chome station.On Tokyo Metro Hanzomon, Ginza line or Toei Oedo line.
Email inquiries(in English)
*Only email inquiries in English are accepted.

株式会社ジャフプラザ(J&F Plaza Co.,Ltd) TEL: 03-5366-6356

Hello! My name is Amanda and I am an English language correspondent at J&F Plaza. I am responsible for helping English speaking foreigners find a home in Japan. If you are interested in one of our listed properties, please feel free to contact us and I can help you.
Primary area(s) covered
Shinjuku, Shin-Okubo,Gotanda, Ikebukuro, Roppongi, Shibuya, Shinagawa,Tamachi, Ginza,Akihabara, etc.
Getting to the real estate office
(Address)3-12-11 Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, Japan 160-0022
(Access)5 minute walk from Shinjuku-sanchome Station, 10 minute walk from Shinjuku Station
Email inquiries(in English)
*Only email inquiries in English are accepted.

トラスト・レジデンス 株式会社瑞鳳(Trust-Residence ZUIHO,Inc) TEL: 03-3548-8433

We have dealt in lots of apartments for foreigners,Our staff members are highly trained and experienced to help match your needs,When you find attractive apartments in any web site,Please feel free to contact us,We provide detailed information about all apartments to you,We promise you can find a apartments at the best terms,
Primary area(s) covered
BayArea,Chuo-ku,Minato-ku,Koutou-ku Area
Getting to the real estate office
(Address)MTEstateBldg5F 1-4-20 Yaesu Chuo-ku,Tokyo 103-0028
(Access)3mins from Yaesu North exit of JR Tokyostation,2mins from A3 exit of Nihonbashistation
Email inquiries(in English)
*Only email inquiries in English are accepted.

ノルドハウス(NordHouse) TEL: 03-5474-7412

We are the real estate company 20 years of experience in housing service in Tokyo. We will find just the right kind of a House and an apartment.Specialising in residential property for rent and sale.
Primary area(s) covered
Minato, Meguro, Shibuya, Setagaya, Shinjuku, chuo, chiyoda
Getting to the real estate office
(Address)Room306 Presidend Roppongi 3-2-16 Nishi-Azabu,Minato-ku Tokyo 106-0031
(Access)Roppongi Station on HibiyaLine 5 minutes
Email inquiries(in English)
*Only email inquiries in English are accepted.

株式会社藤友不動産販売(Fujitomo Real Estate Sales Co., Ltd.) TEL: 03-5696-2341

With an experience of over 24 years in the real estate industry we are confidant to find you the perfect home. Our highly trained staff will help you in searching properties and also troubleshoot any problem you face while settling down in your new apartment. English speaking staff available. Feel free to contact us, we would be happy to answer your queries.
Primary area(s) covered
Tokyo 23 wards & Urayasu-shi (Mainly Edogawa-ku 【Nishi-kasai, Kasai, Funabori, Ojima】 )
Getting to the real estate office
(Address)4-20-13 Naka-kasai Edogawa-ku, Tokyo JAPAN Post code:134-0083
(Access)6 min. from Tozai-line 『Kasai』 station 8 min. from Tozai-line 『Nishi-kasai』 station
Email inquiries(in English)
*Only email inquiries in English are accepted.

プラザホームズ(株)(Plaza Homes, Ltd.) TEL: 03-3583-6941

With our professional experience since 1969, we are confident to introduce properties, specifically selected for the needs of expatriates. We will take every effort to retain awareness of clients’ needs throughout lease periods. Powerful property listings of apartments & houses for rent.
Primary area(s) covered
Hiroo, Azabu, Akasaka, Ebisu, Omotesando, Yoyogi, Shibuya, Shinagawa, Setagaya, Denenchofu, etc.
Getting to the real estate office
(Address)1-9-12, Azabudai, Minato-ku, Tokyo. At the corner of Iikura Crossing.
(Access)5 min.-walk from Kamiyacho Sta. on Hibiya Line.
Email inquiries(in English)
*Only email inquiries in English are accepted.

株式会社FLAT(FLAT Inc.) TEL: 03-3380-6026

Are you having trouble to find your apartment ? We are what you are looking for ! Foreigner environment ! Friendly agents ! We give assistance in more than 8 languages ! You will be able to choose which apartment suits better for you among more than a thousand properties. Contact us and we will help you find the best apartments in Tokyo!
Primary area(s) covered
23 wards of Tokyo mainly Yamanote, Chuo-area, and surburbs.
Getting to the real estate office
(Address)Tokyo-to, Nakano-ku, Nakano 2-29-4 Touri building 2F
(Access)2min. Walk from the South exit of Nakano station. We will pick you up if you give us a call!
Email inquiries(in English)
*Only email inquiries in English are accepted.

株式会社ベター・ホームズ(Better Homes Inc.) TEL: 03-3405-4431

Now launching a limited time campaign of ''No Agent Fee'' on high-end rental properties. Please visit our website and check the campaign list. If you have any property in your mind, including even the ones not listed in it, you are welcomed to ask us by phone.
Primary area(s) covered
Azabu, Hiroo, Roppongi, Akasaka, Aoyama, Shibuya…etc.
Getting to the real estate office
(Address)202-7-7-8 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo
(Access)3 mins walk from ''Roppongi'' sta. on Oedo line / 5 mins walk from ''Nogizaka'' sta. on Chiyoda line
Email inquiries(in English)
*Only email inquiries in English are accepted.

MASTイチイ高田馬場店(Ichii real estate agency) TEL: 03-5155-6565

We opened our new shop in Takadanobaba since September last year.Three years ago.International department has been helping a room search for foreign customer till today and also our group company are providing monthly apartment and guest house,so when you search apartment in Tokyo,please contact us and feel free. We are always welcome to your visiting.
Primary area(s) covered
Tokyo,Chiba,Kanagawa and Saitama
Getting to the real estate office
(Address)Tokyo,Shinjyuku-ku Takadanobaba1-17-17 Niizaka building 2F
(Access)It takes 1min by on foot, Exit 7 Takadanobaba station , Tozai line
Email inquiries(in English)
*Only email inquiries in English are accepted.

株式会社ミブコーポレーション(Gukugeidaigaku Branch) TEL: 0120-700-086

At Mibu Corporation, we believe that bringing useful advice to help our clients throughout their lifetime is a valuable service for a real estate advisor, and making sure we satisfy our customers in the process is our mission.
Primary area(s) covered
Getting to the real estate office
(Address)3-14-14 Takaban, Meguro-ku
(Access)3 mins walk from Gakugeidaigaku sta.
Email inquiries(in English)
*Only email inquiries in English are accepted.

株式会社ミブコーポレーション 中目黒店(Nakameguro,) TEL: 0120-700-086

At Mibu Corporation, we believe that bringing useful advice to help our clients throughout their lifetime is a valuable service for a real estate advisor, and making sure we satisfy our customers in the process is our mission.
Primary area(s) covered
Getting to the real estate office
(Address)2-13-6 Kamimeguro, Meguro-ku
(Access)3 mins walk from Nakameguro sta.
Email inquiries(in English)
*Only email inquiries in English are accepted.

株式会社ミブコーポレーション(Yoga Branch) TEL: 0120-700-086

At Mibu Corporation, we believe that bringing useful advice to help our clients throughout their lifetime is a valuable service for a real estate advisor, and making sure we satisfy our customers in the process is our mission.
Primary area(s) covered
Getting to the real estate office
(Address)2-37-5 Yoga, Setagaya-ku
(Access)1 mins walk from Yoga sta.
Email inquiries(in English)
*Only email inquiries in English are accepted.

株式会社ランドハウジング(Land Housing Co., Ltd) TEL: 03-3324-2271

Have you ever had any trouble with finding an apartment in Japan such as guarantour, cultural difference and language probelem? If so, please let us solve your issues! We are here to support you. For our detail please visit our web site. We also have a page on facebook. Please add us and check our update!!
Primary area(s) covered
Inogashira-line, Keio-line, Tokyo Metro Marunouchi line etc…
Getting to the real estate office
(Address)4-1-4 Eifuku-cho, Suginami-ku, Tokyo, Japan 168-0064
(Access)Take Inogashira-line to Eifuku-cho. Our office is located at a minute away from Eifuku-cho station.
Email inquiries(in English)
*Only email inquiries in English are accepted.

レオパレスセンター池袋店海外課(Leopalace Ikebukuro Branch) TEL: 03-3590-9971

1.Possible to rent from 30 days 2.In Leopalace21,you can search for apartments all over Japan 3.A great many apartments include furniture & electric appliances 4.Simple & Convenient Contract procedure 5.No brokerage fee 6.English supporting Staff enrolled,Re
Primary area(s) covered
Tokyo,Saitama,Kanagawa…etc,all over Japan
Getting to the real estate office
(Address)3F.Nihonseimeihigashiikebukuro Bldg.Higasiikebukuro Tosima-ku Tokyo Japan 170-0013
(Access)5-minute walk from Ikebukuro Station east exit
Email inquiries(in English)
*Only email inquiries in English are accepted.


We provide short-term and long-term apartments. Welcome to make an inquiry with us !
Primary area(s) covered
Tokyo, Saitama and Kanagawa
Getting to the real estate office
(Address)7F. 7-10-1, Nishi-shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku Tokyo Japan 〒160-0023
(Access)Go out from West Exit of JR Shinjuku station and walk around 5 minutes
Email inquiries(in English)
*Only email inquiries in English are accepted.

レオパレスセンター中野店(Leopalace21 Corporation, Nakano Branch) TEL: 03-3389-0721

For room searching in Japan ,We offer fumished apartments with security system service ,Internet and electronic devices.
Primary area(s) covered
Nakano-ku,Suginami-ku,and JR Chouo line,Chouo soubu line,Marunowuchi line,Tozai line ,and other area
Getting to the real estate office
(Address)2F 5-66-4,Nakano,Nakano-ku Tokyo Japan 164-0001
(Access)Chouo line,Chouo soubu line, Tozai line,Nakano North entrance ,Nakano Street 2 minutes on foot
Email inquiries(in English)
*Only email inquiries in English are accepted.

Sinon, ce guide en anglais publié là aussi par Suumo est pas mal pour découvrir (ce sont vraiment des généralités de base, pour ceux qui découvrent le système JP en partant de 0) :

Fees required at the time of contract.
Key Money
A custom unique to Japan requires paying the property owner a payment of gratitude, which is generally 1–2 months of rent. However, in recent days, there are many properties not requiring key money. Key money is not returned when you vacate the property.

Security Deposit
This one-time fee is paid to the property owner as a kind of security deposit and in many cases is equivalent to 1–2 months of rent. In contrast to the key money, it is returned when you vacate the property, but there are instances when the majority is not returned because the property has been damaged or soiled.

Brokerage Charge
This fee is paid to the real estate agency that served as an intermediary for the contract agreement and is restricted by law to 1 month’s rent. In some cases, it is half a month’s rent or not charged.

First Month’s Rent
This is the first rent paid at the time of contract. In most cases, one-month’s rent is calculated on a daily basis and the fee is paid according to the number of days from the day the contract is signed until the day the next rent is due. Therefore, the amount differs in relation to the time the contract is signed.

Non-life Insurance Premium
This insurance fee is paid to cover emergencies, such as fire. In most cases, it is 10,000–20,000 yen. Purchasing this insurance is required for some properties.
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  Répondre en citant   08 Oct 2014 15:30
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